Ready, Set...

·         Midday is not a good time of the day for outdoor, so be prepared for morning or late afternoon
·         Be you, be bold, express yourself
·         If you are not comfortable in what you are wearing, it will show!
·         Let your guard down and let me see your personalities
·         Darker clothing is slimming
·         Long sleeve draws attention away from the arms
·         Solids work best
·         Avoid stripes, busy patterns or things with logos
·         Clean your nails (including the guys)

·         The sooner the better…within the first 10 days gives those super cute poses
·         Have a bottle prepared and pacifier (even if you don’t normally use one!)
·         A sleepy newborn is best
·         Bring any props or accessories that may be sentimental, or just too dang cute to pass
·         I am prepared for lots of breaks for baby’s needs, so be patient and relax

·         Have a bottle or (clean) snacks handy
·         Avoid nap time
·         Smarties are a great bribery tool…clean and quick
·         As much as you want to help get the child’s attention, it usually become more of a confusion to the child, so stay back or maybe even in another room

·         Between 26-34 weeks is ideal
·         Form fitted tops are ideal

·         Worry about yourself, I will worry about the others
·         Similar color tones are good, but not necessarily the same colors
·         Don’t try to match exactly
·         Enjoy each other

·         Be mushy gushy
·         Have fun and enjoy each other